by Francesca Furino
There is urgent work to be done on the Will..”
Roberto Assagioli
The astrology of the past and that of the future are today divided by a subtle line - waiting for Spiritual Teaching to enter into full use...
If on the one hand we can affirm that the ancient astronomical knowledge was acquired empirically, thus making direct experience of the influences that were attributed to heavenly bodies (Gods) – somehow, being subjected to them - today as evolved beings, we are able to understand thelephatically for example some of the most advanced teachings, thanks to a more advanced use of our psychic field, and to more evolved functions such as intuition, that from an ecstatic, flashing vision of a detail allows us to reveal instantaneously the perfect synthesis of a given event.
So, over time the use of the astrological instrument has changed, as far as the subjective vision of reality is at least.
For centuries the dominant culture has supported the development of the separating mind (vision) at the expense of a multifocal and coinciding vision of those psycho-sopho-logical values - which Astrology as discipline has always enclosed in itself.
Thanks to the contribution of avant-garde currents, we are witnessing the re-discovery of a 'Renaissance' astrological model which identifies in the psychic quality of inclusion each and every concrete and abstract aspect of reality: the real strength of modern man.
To learn the astrological system was - and is - an initiatory experience.
Astrology in itself is based on the law of analogy, and in particular on the cause-effect law (or Karma Law) where personal responsibility can do a lot to make a change in one's reality.
The individual develops the ability to sustain tension and to engage in the struggle between opposites - evil and good, darkness and light, unconscious and conscious ... which results in an initial acceptance of one's own nature, with all its negative and positive aspects.
Until the Positivism, human knowledge of the spheres 'stopped' at seven visible planets (plus the fixed stars).
Nonetheless, the 'Celestial Model' (observed by the Earth) depends primarily on the observer's capacity of deeping the vision. By discoverying the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), the scenario related to Saturn's sphere of influence took a massive change ... as well as the human psyche concretely achieved greater use of its potentiality.
In the course of the Era, as living creatures, men questioned the origin and meaning of life... as well as the concepts of consciousness and self-knowledge which started to develop.
Any human being manifests itself in the “Life breath” (such concept finds its roots in the Greek term Psichè = Soul), in the synthesis of the body-mind-emotions and spirit (vital breath) which allowed humanity to acquire a self- and a world experience through forging the personality.
Empirically observing the celestial alignments above him, he created his own inner sky.
Zodiac vision has undergone some important 'changes' throughout history... we know that in a distant past some constellations (Leo-Virgo and Aquarius-Pisces) were merged together, thus allowing to experience ideally only 10 archetypes (from Greek eïdon = orao = to see).
Just think about the Egyptian Sphinx, the half-human, half-animal ideal model that 'points' directly to the Orion Constellation reproducing a perfect, encoded geometry of the Universal Archetype... 'as above, so below', we may recall.
The zodiacal mandala is therefore a perfect, geometric 'scale' reproduction of an ideal model containing all possible human experiences that consciences in their journey on Earth undergo entering into direct contact with the informing and vibrant Cosmic Entities, known as Great Lives.
Very distant stars in our system (in particular, Sirius, the Pleiades and the Seven Sisters of the Big Bear) emit 'qualitative' informed energy pouring through the constellations and the Sun (our System’s primary star), which at the same time distributes this energy through the whole System, to all planets, and reaches all the kingdoms of Nature (human, animal, vegetable and mineral) on Earth.
Only in more recent times imaginary lines plotted in specific points on the celestial sphere have been related to the development’s degree of the intuitive and imaginative faculties - the abstract mind - of the human being.
Thus, it was possible to subdivide the Earth's surface into sectors and quadrants, and to observe the apparent motion of the Sun on the celestial sphere during its annual course, identifying the 12 constellations as we know them today in the Tropical Zodiac.
But from a sidereal point of view, according to the ancient wisdom, they eventuallly amount to 14. However, the full perception of their influences nowadays seems unlikely to be grasped, primarily due to a delayed development in the human conciousness at the collective level.
These higher principles of psycho-spiritual energy have been defined as Cosmic Rays: streams of 'qualitative' energies transmitted to planetary centers and received by the human body through seven centers, known as chakra.
Macrocosm and microcosm herewith meet. This great Synthesis causing effects at solar, planetary and individual level creates the network of relationships that connects the infinitesimal atom to the Great Lives, and the correspondence between any point in space, in our body, and in the Soul.
Our Higher Self, moved by the eternal principle of Love, the same vibrating energy throughout our Solar System.
Man by definition unites Sky and Earth; he builds the Rainbow Bridge, or Antahkarana, through which the substance passes from one plane to another, from form to essence, in the arc of many lives, during many evolutionary cycles.
The human presence on planet Earth is certainly a conquest... and every step towards a greater awareness of all its aspects must also be seen in relation to the growth of the sense of responsibility towards its brother-human beings and towards the planet.
But all this is possible when a satisfactory degree of personal integration is achieved, at the level of the Personality.
Satisfied with the need for self-awareness, man acquires self-confidence, and once he has recognized in others the common path, he can finally choose to collaborate in the construction of a better collective life. At this level, the conscious man allows his Higher Self, the voice of the Soul, to be heard....
Today we know that the mental apparatus, in a fully mature individual, is able to grasp the most "thinner" aspects thanks to two of the most evolved psychological functions: imagination and intuition, linked together by thought, function capable of capturing that language and transforming it so as to render this comprehensible in the mind.
However, the first in-depth investigations into the mental body were conducted only in the last century as long as the first psychic maps about the functioning of the psyche were also drawn.
The meaning of “psychology” (study of the mind) is outlined at that time; and philosophy and medicine meet new fields of research and application, also driven by the great cultural revolution and by the emerging progress that will bring society to structural changes.
The concept of unconscious took form becoming increasingly clear, thanks to great pioneers such as S. Freud and C. G. Jung.
The unconscious is meant to be a great reservoir of both internal and external information, beliefs and images... often perceived as uncomfortable or ‘monstruous’ for the ordinary conscience when unacceptable or improper instances end up being crowded into it after having been repudiated.
Jung, on the other hand, senses that beyond grief, an opportunity to redeem a destiny marked by pain and difficulties might exist.
In Italy, the first great pioneer to develop these concepts further was Roberto Assagioli, founder of the Psychosynthesis, an integral method of care and self-education able to accompany the individual towards his own bio-psycho-spiritual development through the implementation of his talents.
In establishing a daily practice, Psychosynthesis would focus on the various levels and different nature of the psychic activities, distinguishing between some manifestations of the lower unconscious (considered to be less evolved); other manifestations received by the ordinary consciousness, and the existence of a transcendent ego - the true essence of Personality.
It was the prelude to the creation of the super-conscious, the principal container of man's resources and talents.
Assagioli’s theses were then warmly encouraged; the longlasting exchange with his friend Jung, along with topics from the scientific world and the oriental disciplines, found perfect location within the vast container of Psychosynthesis (1926).
In particular, influences from other intellectuals of the time, such as the humanist D. Rudhyar, the main exponent of transpersonal astrology, increased his interest, already shared with Jung, for a modern person-centred astrology... being seen as a study of the pre-eminent human characteristics – the human typologies - that would start from self-recognition (actualization), to belonging to a larger context, to carrying out a mission on Earth, up to the possible development of the higher qualities of the Self and the service to be rendered to humanity.
A map graphically represents the psyche, just as astrologically, the Birth Chart represents the model of archetypal experiences througout life which can foster an understanding and harmonious development of all potential and innate qualities carried by the individual.
With respect to Jung, who had classified the four-partition of psychic functions on the basis of astrological temperaments: feeling (water), sensing (earth), thinking (air), intuiting (fire), Psychosynthesis Star Diagram adds impulse-desire and imagination, sustained by the Will, the pivotal function capable of coordinating and directing the psyche towards a harmonic fusion.
Assagioli suggested to first perform a personal psychosynthesis - in order to move towards the inter and trans-personal process – before engaging in cooperation (and service), that is once evolved elements such as brotherhood and compassion were ultimately incorporated...
This is the first attempt to open up to a profound spiritual psychology, shared by all human beings, which enhances the interaction of those aspects, even the unconscious ones, often in contrast with the powerful energies recognizable at the conscious level.
Nonetheless, self-realization is only possible through adequate training; through the use of the Will - true "engine" of the human psyche which becomes the arrow, the catalyst and transforming element of all energies “being poured” in the unconscious.
So, in a process of self-realization, many of the "superior” qualities descend from the higher psychic regions and manifest themselves in our conscience... But it might not always occur through induced stimulations (such as meditation techniques, hypnosis, etc.); much more often, they are caused by unpredictable episodes of spiritual awakening which can also cause dismay to whom experience them.
Therefore, we must well interpret these energies, in order not to give rise to misunderstandings or lightness, and to better support the person in addressing these “new” potentials.
The high educational value of astrology has been extensively re-considered in this pioneering period, using a new interpretative line that clarified this evidence.
If the collective unconscious could be comprehended as a reservoir of psychic energies expressed through symbolic images - present in fairy tales and myths of all peoples as a sort of “unconscious” psychological heritage – we know that personal unconscious already contains seed ideas or a priori forms called Archetypes.
Jung says that the archetype persists through millennia, but it requires new interpretations. Archetypes are unshakable elements of the unconscious, but they change form continuously.
The archetypes, as models of behaviour, are precisely those inherited infinite possibilities of representations that originate, as we have seen, from the “qualitative” informed cosmic flows.
At individual level, self-awareness consists in the integration of these innate images progressively freeing man from the obscure dominion of prejudice through a cognitive act of self-reflection. Thus, we arrive at the primigenous image which coincides with the Zodiacal Symbol (process of actualization).
The 12 Cosmic Archetypes (the Zodiacal Signs) tell us about the symbolic path towards home, towards the Absolute, undertaken by the individual, starting from the dualism present in every manifestation from which a third element always originates.
And this “trinity” is presented in all its submultiples: both for quality (triplicity of signs) and for element (quadruplicity - Fire, Earth, Air, Water), whose intersection originates the corresponding Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed Crosses, and the 6 axes of a Horoscope.
In the process of actualization, the symbol par excellence is the archetype of the Sun.
Think about the adoration of Horus, the Sun God, whose very ancient symbol – d – does represent the Personality, in all its aspects - and it is always the Present, the Here and Now of our life.
This archetype became prominent when declined the lunar symbolism and so did the kingdom of the Goddess, the Great Mother, binded to the unconscious, to the humid, uterine environment in which life has its origins... by Jung also associated with the dark and “cavernouse” side of the psyche.
The Moon – b- is our Past. It represents the history of past incarnations absorbed and preserved within the amygdale, and only on some occasions can such memories be pushed back to consciousness in order to be elaborated. At each rebirth a new story will be written otherwise.
Finally, the Asc is the sailing ship that leads man to experience himself through the 12 behavioural models. It is the conscious aspect of the process, the Future that will outline the spiritual aims to be pursued in this incarnation.
In this way, all forms can be experienced throughout life (archetypes), they can inhabit all the dimensions of life, opening up their own energy...
From a psychosynthetic point of view, when these “collective” images become part of our field of consciousness, they develop their own energy, quality and strength and start acting spontaneously, often in a non-ordered way, like many actors/protagonists on one’s inner stage, in search of an “I”, the Director who is able to coordinate them.
That director is our Will – it can be identified in the central circle of the Birth Chart - and the planets as time moves on will form multiple sub-personalities through their interrelations, playing with different roles on the inner theatre.
Astrologically, when we are ready to leave the path of self-actualization - after three major Jupiter cycles (about 35 years) - we usually feel ready to jump on the path of the Soul, discovering the Higher Self.
An important quality may result from this conscious journey: the more will the Personality strive to keep cohesive all its vehicles, the more integrated and ready it will be to serve the design of his Higher Self.
Before diving into the observation of a chart, it is of paramount importance to reflect on the act of educating that, as Astrologers, we wish to activate.
Education derives from the Latin ex-ducere = to bring out, that is, to bring out what is already inside.
Technical preparation, together with personal ethics principles, are combined with the desire of bringing authentic help, of creating a relationship of trust.
Thus connecting the Soul of Astrology with the Soul of the individual, Assagioli says.
The educator is like an ideal model, a living representative of the future psychosynthesis of who is receiving the educational act.
Education is, in fact, an art... without fixed, rigid methods. Each attitude must be suitably dosed and made flexible, according to the different men types, and the moment they are transiting; these aspects are well reflected in a Birth Chart.
However, there is an intelligent preparation at cultural level that can greatly facilitate the work.
It is good to know the various techniques, to deeply hold and use them wisely.
But above all, the essential point is self-domain and self-education... No matter how, if we want to create the “atmosphere”, to radiate, to represent the quality that we want to infuse- of understanding, of intuition and plasticity -we cannot ignore to carry out our own personal therapy.
Psychosynthesis has always insisted on the self-educational aspect.
The motto: "Know, Master, Transform yourself" perfectly synthesizes this principle.
In order to fully achieve self-fulfilment it is necessary to work on the subconscious to bring out complexes and stereotypes (only in this way will we be able to fully contact the original archetype!).
We need to collaborate with what is conscious by making direct experience of psychosynthesis techniques and know how to apply them, so as to be able to evoke with our higher unconscious the innate qualities and perform our personal psychosynthesis as in an alchemical work.
Assagioli recommended to dive into the psycho-spiritual “magnetic field” of Astrology, to “be overwhelmed” by it, and so to align with more evolved energies before connecting with the chart prepared.
He was also used to bless a horoscope... the profound, meditated study of astrological symbols allowed the telepathic and intuitive contact needed to write contents.
Moreover, Discernment is a quality to be developed in every free moment: it is the union of concrete and abstract mind at the service of the educational task to be carried out.
A bridge that is activated when our personal and transpersonal Self (the Soul) begin to align so as to easily establish the appropriate operating level in the following astrological investigation.
Ideally, we proceed from a Personality development program which facilitates an effective astro(psycho)synthesis at personal level - (self)actualization chart. Then we need to harmonize, as we shift to the Soul development program – (self)realization chart.
Before each subsequent step is made, every practice is effective if an “inventory” of the pre-eminent characteristics is drawn up, either they emerge in the therapeutic, educational or in a meditated study of a chart, Assagioli recalls.
In preparing a delineation, the first, fundamental, connections to be observed naturally concern the “traditional” attributions, such as elements and triplicity, crosses, relations with the opposite signs and with those adjacent to them; regarding the planets, observing decanates, rulership, dignity, exaltation and fall, etc...
Finally, when this is well structured, we begin to establish a deeper contact with the esoteric aspects of the chart, analyzing the attributions of rays with respect to signs and planets, and how the configurations already analyzed take on a deeper vibration and meaning.
A focussed attention - which is forged with time and after having observed and analyzed multiple charts - must be trained first.
Then the connection with the higher spiritual energies will be facilitated so as to perceive the level of self-awareness (personal evolution) of the individual whom the chart has been prepared for.
To be able to correctly address a personal psychosynthesis, due reference should be made to self-empowerment in working with clients... by leading them in taking, where possible, their own measure of responsibility througout the process.
We therefore work actively with the client, suggesting an inventory of their conscious complexes, of their ambivalences... In observing the chart, polarity and/or weak or missing elements, oppositions and squares, etc. will be mentally annoted in order to identify the related conflicts.
The manifestations on physical-emotional-mental and spiritual level will certainly help understanding the polarization - that is, which of these levels the individual is most focussed on.
Through the planetary configurations, we experience our sub-personalities, not only as causal factors - projective models, introjected from the external. Or as centres of innate qualitative energies that determine specific “creations” in individual reality. There is more.
Often, in fact, in a Transit Chart, these configurations do not indicate any particular events or inner changes that we would expect in that circumstance.
As we have seen, the planets are to be considered as lenses, as focal points through which the informed influences of the 7 cosmic rays are expressed in the space, and by resonance on individuals.
Groups, as well as nations are ultimately governed by the astrological signs and by the rays just as individuals are, and these rays affect them through the ruling planets.
In her writings, A. Bailey quotes that [the planets]... were the heavenly bodies in direct astral and psychic communication — morally and physically — with the Earth, its Guides and Watchers. The visible orbs furnish our humanity with its outward and inward characteristics and their Regents […] with spiritual faculties .
It is therefore useful to remember that each person will be simultaneously under the influence of “classic” and esoteric rulers – the latter manifesting the quality of each specific ray perceived at a subtler level by the psyche.
The more will we proceed in our evolution, the less we will perceive the so-called "pure" influence of the planets. This is true at both individual and collective level.
Since archetypal behaviours (constellated aspects in a chart) are triggered by certain events, sub-personalities would begin to react either on the level of Personality (classic rulership) or according to the vibration of the ray (esoteric rulership) as intuitive emanation.
Hence, for a certain moment in time, it is more appropriate to cast the Progressed Chart in order to understand how higher-level influences are effectively working on the background and how the three vehicles (physical, emotional and mental) can be brought back to an harmonious functioning, at the stage of integration needed to the Personality to evolve towards the mission of the Soul.
A wise understanding of the psychological functions activated in these cases - both actively and by reaction - will guide each process towards the most adequate resolution, moderated and coordinated by the good use of our central Will.
Perhaps the most powerful Act of Educating is expressed here... when the conscious (psychosynthesis) astrologer supports the client in the delicate process before the many “scattered” forces emerge and start flowing towards integration...
From a logical point of view, the acceptance of the opposite polarities concept signifies to replace the principle of non-contradiction - upon which Aristotelian logic and major topics covered during the past millennium have been based - with the principle of complementarity, and this can have incredible consequences in the paradigm shift to which all men of Good Will are cooperating, sustained by Universal Love.
The re-conjunction of opposite polarities can never be seen as an ending point, but as an initial complexity that pushes to transformation, making an infinite number of partial - often suffered - synthesis, towards self-fulfillment.
It is simportant here to remember that the Synthesis is not the additional sum of the two polarities, but the vertical solution completed in a central point at the higher level.
Assagioli defines the concept of polarization (and synthesis) as one of the most useful keys for understanding us, others, relationships, peoples, eras, cycles, etc.. But also.... as the guide which helps taking the right position, and as the most important secret of life, a principle of continuous application.
Francesca Furino
PLC Italy- Psychosynthesis Life Coach in-formation
Psychosynthesis Counsellor
Psychological Astrologer
Perugia, Sala dei Notari, 1/2 Luglio 2017